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Change your CD keys without reinstalling!

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1Change your CD keys without reinstalling! Empty Change your CD keys without reinstalling! Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:12 pm



What it does:
Those two programs change the CD key of roc/tft from the registry in which the keys are stored. (yes you could do it manually, but this way its safer and faster)

How to use:

1. Download, extract.
2. Open CDKey.exe to change the Reign Of Chaos CD key or open FTKey to change the Frozen Throne CD key. (run as administrator for vista/windows 7 users)
3. Type in the new CD key.
4. Press "OK". Done!


1. CD key changer gives me an error!
Answer: Blizzard has released new CDs with different graphical installers and different registries. Thats why in the "new" Warcraft III you can't use the cd key changer, since the registries have changed. If you have the "old" Warcraft III that you bought before 2010 you should have no problem. (I got both "old" and "new" thats how I found out)
Answer2: If you have vista/windows 7 running it as administrator might help. (right click, run as administrator)

CDkey changer download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?hv20zvalq0wd2ag

Last edited by Emo_Style on Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:59 am; edited 13 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated Links)




ty Laughing


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