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Requests and wishes

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1Requests and wishes Empty Requests and wishes Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:06 pm



To all Clan LdH members,

At first,i want in the name of Clan Ldh chief and all shamans to thank all of you for good cooperation. You are to be thanked for our good statistic.
I would like to ask you for your requests and wishes. I will take all your ideas and wishes very seriously and i will do my best to fulfill it for you. If one of you have any idea, please write it here.

And don't forget......Clan Ldh can reach the top only by us all!

I am delighted to have some idea that will come.

Best regards,


2Requests and wishes Empty Re: Requests and wishes Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:11 pm



TheFinisher wrote:To all Clan LdH members,

At first,i want in the name of Clan Ldh chief and all shamans to thank all of you for good cooperation. You are to be thanked for our good statistic.
I would like to ask you for your requests and wishes. I will take all your ideas and wishes very seriously and i will do my best to fulfill it for you. If one of you have any idea, please write it here.

And don't forget......Clan Ldh can reach the top only by us all!

I am delighted to have some idea that will come.

Best regards,

Hmm, nicely said. I wish that we make an LdH #2 clan to expand our members and conquer BNet, more clan wars more leagues and faster!! I hope we make some better statistics like rank 1 to all at games and rank 3-4 to solo. I hope micha beats ptas some day and i wish that we make a w3cl team.

Thanks for your time,
Your sinciresly,
Anime_Style (YES! i want to be renamed :] )


3Requests and wishes Empty Re: Requests and wishes Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:23 pm


Clan LdH

I'm looking forward to make some LDH 1v1 league! It will make this site alive.

4Requests and wishes Empty Re: Requests and wishes Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:44 am


Can i get access to "Strategies and tactics (only for logged in Clan Ldh Members ^^)" ? thanks

5Requests and wishes Empty Re: Requests and wishes Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:11 pm



you have it now ^^


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