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[PROJECT] WC3 LdH Clan Video

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1[PROJECT] WC3 LdH Clan Video Empty [PROJECT] WC3 LdH Clan Video Sat May 26, 2012 10:08 am



Yo, so I've been thinking long time now to make a high level video recording high level highlights from clan LdH members. This project might take long time to finish, but I prefer a nice video that wont bore the viewers and it will contain only high level moves rather than other low quality clan videos.

Video Specifications:
Of course the video will be recorded in HD quality with 60 fps. The programs I am about to use are Fraps for recording, ReplaySeeker for watching replays easier and faster, Sony Vegas Pro for editing + effects and maybe Adobe After Effects for more cool effects ;]. I have already thought about the music and I decided dubstep, techno and metal. I've found really good metal music from animes.

The progress will be posted here with dates.

Yes, you saw right! I can use your help.. no, in fact I need your help ;]. You can send your replays (only LdH members) to xxdimitrixx@hotmail.com and please write for each replay the times that the highlights are.

me vs xx 10:30 surround, 11:55 micro moves, 13:41 fun moment, 15:28 crazy pro micro and so on...

If you have experience on Sony Vegas Pro or any other effects editor program please contact me as soon as possible.


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