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Clan LdH Internal Solo League - The structure

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Clan LdH Internal Solo League

The structure of this league was made the first time ​​by Chainer- (an old member from Clan LdH) on 15.Dec.2008.


Echo Isles (EI)
Terenas Stand (TS)
Secret Valley (SV)
Melting Valley (MV)
Twisted Meadows (TM)
Turtle Rock (TR)
Lost Temple (LT)


. Group-knockout

. ? groups of ? player

. The best 2 from each group will go through into the knockout stage.

. 1 matches = 3 sets

. For one won match there is a point and for losing zero.

. If 3 players in a group tying on points how many maps each player has won/loss will decide who goes through.

. Each player will play vs. each player in his group once (one match=3sets).

. To decide which maps used, both you and your enemy will veto 2 maps (pick 2 you don’t want to play), so leaving 3 maps. Out of those 3 deserted maps you and your enemy should pick a map you want play and play those maps. If each of you wins one map then the third map will be played as a tiebreaker.

(Here is an example in case anyone doesn't understand something:
If player1 was playing player2, player1 vetos TM TR and player2 vetos LT and EI. So this leaves TS MV SV. Player1 decide he wants to play TS and player2 decides he wants to play SV so they play both those maps assuming player1 won TS and plaer2 won SV they would then play a third game on MV. If player1 won the third map one of them would then post here saying: ‘’player1 played player2 and the result was that player1 won 2-1’’.)

. Replays must be saved by both players on each map! This is to submit a Demonstrate if any uncertainty happen.

. If one match (= 3 sets) is completed please post in the forum who played and the result.

. You don't have to play your 3 sets in one day. You can play it in several days.

. Both players must agree on a host. Better you make the game with neutral host. Also if someone disconnection doesn't mean automatically loss. Unless it's very clear that a player had lost already. In most cases if someone disconnects remake the game. Any problems post in the forum or whisper me.

. The League is without timetable !!!! That means each player must care for his games!!!! and he must write the result in the forum!


Nickname Points Matches played Maps won Maps lost Difference

That’s all. The League will begin officially whenever I post the group list.

Good luck and have fun for all!


Please read the Tournaments rules §6 : http://legends-die-hard.de.tl/Clan-Rules.htm


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