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Convert Warcraft III .TGA screenshots to .JPG with ConvertShots

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What it does:
You have done "PrtScn" (print screen) in Warcraft III, but you can't open the images? ConvertShots can convert those images to normal .jpg images!

How to use:

1. Download it.
2. Move it to the Screenshots folder which is inside Warcraft III installation folder. (C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Screenshots)
3. Run ConvertShots.exe. (rus as administrator for vista/windows 7 users)
4. Untick "Adjust image brightness" if you want to keep the original brightness or let it be to make the image brighter. (adjust image brightness seems nice for me, but this is a matter of taste)
5. Untick "Delete original .TGA files" if you don't want to delete the .TGA images which you can't open after they are converted to .jpg.
6. Press "Start" and you're done!

ConvertShots Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?6df0reip71i65ws


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