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Trap your mouse inside Warcraft III window with Window Mouse Trapper!

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What it does:
Window Mouse Capture (WMC) traps your mouse inside the window of Warcraft III, so it can't escape and you will be able to move the screen around while in-game. This is useful in case you use Warcraft III window mode.

Why to use window mode:
Window mode consumes less CPU than the normal Warcraft III instance. You can use it if your PC is old and you lag while in Warcraft III or when you livestream. (livestream consumes a lot of CPU)

How to do Warcraft III window mode:
1. Find Warcraft III shortcut. (make one if you don't have)
2. Right click it and select properties.
3. In the field "Target" you can see the path to Warcraft III exe "C:\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe" now at the end of Throne.exe" leave one space and write -window like: "C:\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe" -window
4. Press ok and run the shortcut! (run as administrator for vista/windows 7 users)

How to use:

1. Download Window Mouse Trapper (WMC).
2. Run WMC.exe. (run as administrator for vista/windows 7 users)
3. Open Warcraft III window and press F7.

WMC download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?6qdalaa1a3a85gl


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